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4 Effective Measures As A Cold Medicine For Children

The arrival of the rainy season often makes parents worried because children become vulnerable to disease, especially colds. From now on you do not need to panic anymore, because there are many ways you can try as a cold medicine for children. The desire of children to play in the rain may be obeyed, provided that occasionally. Not without reason, this pleasure risks bringing illness with cold symptoms. More than 200 viruses are ready to make your child and even all family members experience nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, or coughing.

How to treat colds in children

Many ways that can be used as a cold medicine for children, also to relieve the symptoms that arise. Among others are:
  • Steam and warm shower

  • One of the most common symptoms a child suffers from having a cold is nasal congestion. To alleviate this symptom, a warm bath can be an effective way to deal with a child's cold. In addition to making the body more comfortable because of the warm water temperature, moist air from water vapor will also make mucus in the nose more easily come out. To help get moist air, can also use a humidifier or vaporizer. But the price is quite expensive, and must be cleaned regularly.
  • Give honey

  • Although coughing is the body's natural response to help clear mucus from the airways, it can be very annoying. To stop the symptoms of a cold this one, do not immediately use cough medicine, especially outside the doctor's recommendation. Honey can be a safe alternative to relieve cough symptoms in children who are experiencing colds. Honey is a natural ingredient that is safe for children aged a year or more. Experts argue that the sweet taste of honey triggers saliva to come out so that it encourages the release of mucus that wet the airway and relieve coughing. In addition, honey is also believed to have anti-inflammatory benefits and natural antibiotics. For children aged 1-5 years, just half a teaspoon of honey is given. While for ages 6-11 years, one teaspoon of honey may be given to relieve their cough.
  • Chicken soup and enough to warm liquid needs

  • For children over the age of six months, giving warm chicken soup can be a good way to relieve colds, especially nasal congestion. In addition, warm chicken soup can help children cope with pain, fatigue, and fever. Besides chicken soup, apple juice, or a little warm tea can have the same positive effect on children. For handling infants under the age of six months, it is recommended for parents to consult a doctor about how to handle it appropriately.
  • Elevate the position of the child's head

  • Placing the child's head higher than his body or leaning can make the child more comfortable when breathing. This especially helps children who experience symptoms of nasal congestion so that children can sleep more comfortably and not fidget. For older children, letting them sleep in a soft easy chair, or favorite sofa in a half-sitting position can also be done. However, make sure you keep the child's body position safe and comfortable.
As a cold medicine for children under six months of age, giving breast milk or formula is the right step. While for children who are more than one year old, the liquid given can be in the form of water, a thin filtered juice, and milk. Regarding the provision of milk, you can dismiss the myth that states that this liquid will increase snot in children. There is no scientific evidence to support this assumption. If the steps for administering a child's cold medicine above have not made his condition better, then you are advised to contact a doctor. Especially if a cold in children is accompanied by several symptoms such as fever which reaches 38 degrees Celsius high for three days in a row. Also pay attention if the child has chest pain or abdominal pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, lethargy and rarely urinating, and does not heal for more than ten days.
